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About the project


This project aims to shed light on the numbers of reptiles and amphibians in urban gardens and parks. Further, we are trying to find out what favours the presence of amphibians and reptiles. The optimal time to survey for reptiles is between March and June, thus our project will take place during these months. We chose the suburbs of Woodley and Earley as representatives of urban living. The survey will have three main parts. The reptile survey requires the most focus of the three, and is accompanied by an amphibian survey and a questionnaire. You can find more information about each part on this page.


RARS is a collaboration of the University of Reading and the University of Uppsala (Sweden). Its findings will be used for the master thesis of Stephanie Falk from the University of Uppsala. She would like to thank all participants in advance and is looking forward to successful and fun cooperation with the residents of Woodley and Earley.



The Reptile Survey

The reptile survey is the heart of the project, and also requires the most work. To attract and encounter the shy creatures we will position a piece of roofing felt (50x50cm) in your garden, which reptiles can use as a refuge.


The location of the felt is very important. It needs to be in a spot where the sun reaches in the mornings, so the felt can heat up while the rest of the garden is still quite cold. It will then be ideal for reptiles to warm up underneath. In addition, the felt should ideally be on top of and surrounded by high grass or undergrowth, and never be on bare ground. This will allow the reptiles to reach the felt safely and unnoticed. If you like you can already have a look in your garden and think of the perfect spot.


After we positioned the felt we wait one week for the reptiles to encounter and accept the refuge. Then we would like to ask you to check for reptiles under the refuge once a week for the next 8 weeks. You can find tips on when best to check on the 'Get Involved' page. If you encounter any reptiles underneath the refuge please let us know as soon as possible. We would then also like to check the felt with you on the following week.


If we find reptiles in your garden we would like to send you a little memory; an artistic picture of you and your 'secret neighbour' with some further information of it's species and of course the correct identification.

The Amphibian Survey

If you are lucky enough to have a pond in your garden, you may also be a host for amphibians. For the amphibian survey, we would like to have a closer look at your pond. We would like to visit it once in late spring/early summer and try to catch the amphibians for identification.


Of course, you can help us with the catching and take some pictures. As for the reptiles, we are happy to send you a artisitic picture of you and your 'secret neighbour', the correct indentification and some more information on the species as a lasting memory.

The Questionnaire

A questionnaire will be designed to find out which factors in your garden have a favourable effect on abundance of amphibians and reptiles. At the moment, we expect that compost heaps, ponds, undergrowth and environmentally friendly habits of the gardens owners will make a garden more likely to accomodate all kind of creatures.


The questionnaire will be a form of about two pages in length. It'll be available on this webpage or when requested. The questionnaire will also become available for people that don't take part in the amphibian and reptile survey. So, feel free to spread the word!

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